What, me early?!
F i n a l l y..
And mine looks like this - I'm quite pleased with the sleeves especially, they have a nice drapey/slouchy feel to them, and are very feminine.
I made some alterations to the original pattern's neck band, since I couldn't for the life of me understand the instructions: "..work several more rows of st st in a different color. Iron these st st rows, when making up sweater you will simply unravel these rows to base color". Say wha?! So I just gave up (and thought myself real stupid for a while), and picked up the stiches from the neck and back, and knit with 1k 1p rib. It may not be as French as in the original, but hey, it works. I also added a press-on button to make the neck-line more sturdy and wearable.
Finished Objects....
These handy wrist warmers a.k.a cuffs are part of 'Cabled Cuff Gloves' by Tuulia Salmela (Twist Collective, Winter '08).
in order to defend my laziness when not knitting the whole gloves, I'd like to refer to my earlier posting about the Finnish folk tale of the mouse and cat and the changing end-results... :)
Deliveries and plans
As you can see, the colorway is 'Troglodyytti' - well, if my camera would show the correct colors, then maybe you could really see.... anyway, it's a lovely brown shade, hand-dyed by Mokkasukka. When this grows up, it may want to be a pair of gloves..
One wouldn't think that keywork 'knitting' would produce that much results in YouTube (other than knitting instructins, of course), but here's something you might enjoy..
In the theme of tea... I must of course now join the ranks of knitters who have designed and made their own tea pot cozy .. more to come on that subject soon!
A Finished Object
Cleanin' up!
"Scottish Inspirations" by Rowan / Sarah Dallas, 18 patterns using Rowan Scottish Tweed yarn.
New year - new ideas!
I will join two scarfes to make one - the white silk scarf is a gift from a colleague, and has not found it's way into my wardrobe yet, although it's a nice design by Anna Sui. I believe that the marriage of these two will end up nicely - let's see! There's still some of this lovely grey yarn (silk/merino) left, and I intend to use up all of it. Further report will come later, then...
The story behind the sweater is actually starting to resemble quite much the old Finnish folk tale of a mr Cat commissioning a coat from a tailor, one mr Mouse. When the cat comes to collect his coat, the mouse says something like this: "Oh, no sir, there is no coat, sir, but what I could do is a swell pair of pants for you, sir!". And when Cat comes to collect his pants, mr Mouse comments: "Oh, sorry sir, but no pants materialized from this fabric - I could make a beautiful waiscoat for you, however!" etc etc etc, until there's nothing left of the fabric... .... (and until the cat eats the mouse in his frustration, but that's not relevant here..).
So I gave up on the previous Phildar pattern which I planned to make with the teal Debbie Bliss cashmerino DK yarn which was coming from another cardigan which I ripped... phew!... and have instead already finished the back of this Phildar pattern - very simple, but I like the idea of the deep cut in the front and the willowy sleeves: