

What treats to knit this Fall - check out both Vogue and IK Autumn previews...! They must've heard my (and others', too) complaints about bo-o-o-o-oring patterns, and really kicked up the design department - and we thank them!

Must start stretching the fingers and oiling the needles for the Great Knitting Autumn.


Happy 1st!

Today is the birthday of my blog, so Happy Birthday, dear blog!


What?!? Socks?!?! Here?!?!?

Yes, sirree! I knit socks. I knit socks from a multi-colored yarn. I knit socks from a multi-colored yarn and like them!

These are "Spiral Boot Socks" by Véronik Avery (IK, summer '07), made from Araucanía 'Ranco' yarn (75% wool, 25% polyamide), colorway Multy (obviously..), which I bought from here on my trip to the Old Hometown a month ago.


This little piggy went to market....

..and bought some very pink linen...
and then she stayed at home and sewed herself a nice summer tunic...

And tuned it up a bit with a discount necklace..

..and she was very happy because she cannot remember when was the last time she had sewed a piece of clothing that she could actually wear in public.