...to share some photos and thoughts on my latest visit to Ye Olde Home Town last week.

We went to the Castle - I haven't been for years, but no need to fret: everything was exactly the same.
Some complaint resulted from this (
of course!) - hey, how about re-doing the permanent exhibitions, e.g. changing the horrible grey plastic/vinyl/whatever flooring from the '70s?!
How about opening up a little those guide texts on the walls of the different chambers and rooms - ok, it's a "Queen's room", but what did she actually do there?
Also, how about installing some escalators to the towers - it's really hard work climbing up those stairs, as they are not really designed with the latest information in mind about the proper height of a stair, and ergonomy?

Well, the last comment aside, I guess it's good that somethings' don't change...
One, more positive, thing (aside from the lovely light inside some of the rooms, which resulted in nice photos) was the museum shop - really nicely planned and put out, and the goods were of good quality and most of them even closely related to the Castle or Turku. And that's always a plus, eh? :)
I bought some rhubarb tea and a cookie cutter shaped like the castle. Guess who's getting gingerbread cookies in a weird shape this Christmas..