
Coccyxal thoughts

Went to the north, the idea was to ski a lot. Noticed that skiing is not my sport - fell down on my rump on the first day, naturally, (hey, I hadn't been skiing for over 20 years, so cut me some slack...), and managed to land directly on my other ski. Hard landing spot, soft rump = huge coccyxal pain, i.e. pain in the butt.
Skied also the next day, but it didn't feel good. Now, after a few days, still cannot sit properly, and bending over is virtually impossible. Am really happy about this.

But hey, this too shall pass - and, despite of all these troubles, I have started on my cardi.... :) What we knitters wouldn't do for our passion!

(no pictures this time, but I think it's best that way, eh....)


Dear diary!

I have been a bit worried lately. Knitting hasn't been the source of inspiration for me for a long long time, and that's odd. Yes, I know that every knitter goes through such periods when not even the thought of purchasing new yarn does the trick.
And yes I know, I myself have gone through such periods before. Maybe it's the approaching Christmas with all it's "necessary" knitting, maybe it's the low caused by this dark season, maybe it's the 7-year change of body's cells..... go figure.

And I've tried! As you remember, I bought new yarn recently and it's still lovely to touch, but it just doesn't call out to me, in that irresistible little voice that is the voice of new yarn: "knit me into XXX pattern, or YYY pattern, phleeeease!". I have leafed through the winter issues of The Mags (and all the old issues, as well), borrowed some pattern books from the library, hung around in Raverly, walked over to the book shop to look at pattern books, opened my stash boxes to look at yarn, tried to think of knitting before falling asleep, been counting sheep..... The excitement just wasn't there.

And then.... and then! Yesterday I got mail. From Twist Collective. An extra number added for their Winter '09 collection. This one. Be still my beating heart! It's a cardigan (check!), it's long (check!), it's feminine (check!), it's beautiful (check!), it's versatile (check!), it's challenging (check!), and I've got just the yarn for it in my stash (check!).

Once again I have managed to cross the void, swim to the other side, return from the black hole, and stop the clocks. Swatch, here I come!


Saturday night fever

Meet the lot - gingerbread cookies, in all shapes and sizes:

*a little bit of home sickness..?

*Jungle Book


*fancy ones



...mum's the word...

I bought some new yarn today. It's got merino and silk in it, it's lovely. Don't tell anybody!