
You know you're having a bad knitting day when...

1) ...it takes 3 attempts before you get the required provisionary cast-on going.

2) ...your scrap yarn and work yarn get tangled because, against the instructions, you didn't choose a non-sticky yarn as scrap yarn.

3) ...finally, after managing to get all stiches cast and after checking (of course I checked!) that the work was not twisted when knitting in round, you found yourself ending up with a twisted piece.

4) ...after a long sigh and a 'I-cannot-believe-I-just-did-that' look on your lonely sad face, you just pull out the circs and squeeze in your sweaty hand the remains of your efforts of the past 2 hours:

Oh, well.


Lotta said...

Voih! En ees osaa ilmasta kaikkee empatiaani kolmannella kotimaisella :).

Noita päiviä sattuu kaikille ja ne on persiistä... onneks suurimman osan aikaa sentään oot mestarineuloja ;).

(heh, sananvahvistus=odsorts)

Niina said...

Kiitos kannustuksesta - pieni kävelylenkki ulkona teki terää ja sai taas uskomaan elämään -> ja eiku yrittämään uudestaan! :)