
The end is nigh!

Does the equation really go like this?

end-of-year = ideas x 0

Can you believe it - I've started one vest pattern twice (did I mention twice??!) with two different yarns, and neither of them worked out, both under rrrripping currently.. partly because I couldn't figure out the lace pattern (there must some mistake in the pattern, mustn't there?!? - it can't be me, can it?!??) and it went wrong each time, and partly because it just don't feel right, it don't feel like a garment I would eventually wear. And we've made a promise not to knit those not-wearable-but-just-knitted-for-the-hell-of-it thingys anymore, now haven't we....
Also otherwise not very inspired by anything right now. I guess I'm all knitted out for '08.

Gee. What a strange feeling!

I guess I just have to hang on to the hope of New Year bringing with it some New Ideas.


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