
+24 celcius

..and what better way to celebrate this warmth than start off with a new pair of mittens.

I don't know what's going to happen with these ('Green Autumn' by Jared Flood from the Fall '08 issue of Vogue Knitting) - I first started with 3mm dpns (as indicated in the pattern), then started again with 2.5mm dpns, and now am working with 2mm dpns. And still my wrist and the mitten wrist are worlds apart size-wise. But since I don't own any smaller dpns, I will go on with this, and maybe give them a bit rougher bath in the end, to reduce the size. Or then give these as a present to someone with a bigger wrist circumference. A big-handed person.

There were some warnings about very heavy thunder storms coming this way in the news today - hailstorms that could really put a bump on your head, should you happen to find yourself outside without any cover (I guess an umbrella would be pretty useless..). A couple of years back, there was just such a hailstorm in July, and what came down from the skies were really the size of a small-handed person's fist. Those could really damage e.g. cars, which leads us conveniently to the next topic - have you ever listened to Car Talk? For a person such as myself, with no driver's licence, and obviously no car (and with small hands), I can honestly say that that's the most fun I've ever had listening to radio. People can call in and ask about any car-related issues, be it actual mechanical/technical things, or more human-interest, and the two brothers running the show give their answers, which usually do have factual basis, but always manage to make the listener laugh out loud. Give it a go - you can listen to the latest show free-of-charge via their web site. I think the show airs in the States on Saturdays, so this a good way to spend 1 hour of your Sunday.

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